Monday 6 February 2012

Last night I read 'The Woman in Black' on my Kindle. It is very well written, and  enjoyed reading her beautiful English. The story was fairly good, but I didn't find it scarey. I'm not going to review it on Amazon.

Recently I have been reading urban fantasy a lot. I have enjoyed Charlaine Harris, Patricia Briggs, and most of all Connie Suttle. They make other writers feel dull. 

Last week I got my spin back at the ice rink! Since I changed over from figure blades to dance blades I haven't been able to spin properly. I think it must be the different dimensions of the rockers. I found that entering the spin slowly and gently did the trick, and got three good revolutions nicely centred.

That's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. Soon we're not going to have anything to talk about on Fridays!
